The Flow Impinger has been developed for the sampling of bio-aerosol (e.g.: fungal spores, bacterial cells, etc) present in air. This type of sampling allows to verify and measure the presence of microorganism potentially harmful and identifying the source of pollution so as put to use a containment plan
Sampling principle: The air is drawn through an external sampler (e.g. CF20 Light) at constant speed for a variable time (depending on the nature of the environment to be monitored) through three nozzles, tangentially positioned inside the bubbler containing an appropriate liquid medium. The tangential movement of the particles inside the FlowImpinger, retains the particles in the collecting liquid. The suspension obtained, after homogenization and dilution, it’s sown directly in an agar ground. The use of a collecting liquid helps the dispersion of any airborne microbial aggregates, improves the cultivability of the microorganisms, allows the dilution of the sample in case of high contamination.
Application fileds:
- security restricted areas
- hospitals
- pharmaceutical industries
- food and dairy company
- air treatment systems
- establishment for water purification sites
- working environments subject to controls as required by HACCP
- material: glass sterilizable after use
- composed by three parts: input, the section with the three nozzles tangential and the collection bowl (20 ml).
- liquid collecting: water or other non-evaporable sterile liquids with viscosity up to 1000 times higher than water.
- range of use: 12,5 l/min
- sampling efficiency: about 100% for particles with size > 1 micron
90% for particles with minor size (about 0,5 micron) - sampling time: up to 8 hours
- dimensions: 22 x 5 cm (h x diam.)
- weight: 158 gr
- Environmental sampling pump, mod. CF20 Light (adjustable flow with flowmeter, with error ±5%, programmable or not)